By Jasmine Geonzon | Staff Writer
Ever since my sweet mother made the mistake of allowing a much younger Jasmine to sip from her Starbucks mochas during our recurring Target runs, I’ve been a caffeine fiend. While no one is ever immune to loving roasts from their friends, drags directed at my personality consistently center around my everlasting love for coffee (and Harry Styles).
I always thought iced caramel coffees would be my staple drink due to its wide availability and affordability. This all changed when I ordered my first lavender latte. Blending subtle floral notes with the sweet and creamy nature of your average latte come together in what has now become my favorite drink. In fact, I keep a running count of how many I’ve inhaled since the start of the new year, and my 2020 list is currently at 12 lavender lattes.
As someone who has only recently discovered the light that is the joy of adding lavender syrup to your cup of coffee, it’s my newfound life goal to spread the gospel. Even in the midst of our sleepy and antiquated setting of Colonial Williamsburg, the surrounding area offers a rather decent slate of restaurants and cafes serving lavender drinks. No matter how chilly or excruciating hot C.W.’s temperatures swing, you can catch a sip of spring at the following places:

If you’re looking for some deep caffeine intensity, Illy is the place to go. Though it just opened in recent months, Illy continues to remain busy, packed with W&M students and CW tourists alike. Thanks to the American restaurant industry warping your judgement of appropriate proportions, you’ll probably think Illy’s sizes are relatively small. Don’t fear! Illy’s use of Italian espresso makes even the teeniest lavender lattes ultra concentrated. The price points at Illy are a bit higher compared to the rest of the list, but it may be worth it when weighing its close proximity to campus and the convenience of counter service. Though a tad more uppity in terms of cafe environment, Illy also comes with sweet perks like heated outdoor seating and a limitless playlist of European opera music.

Culture Cafe
For those who have never been into Culture Cafe, I’ll describe it like this: it’s what would happen if someone mistakenly opened up a hip foodie spot in Williamsburg, VA instead of the more appropriate Brooklyn neighborhood. Acting as a refreshing break from its rather monotonous neighbors on the corner of Scotland Street and Richmond Road, Culture Cafe tops this list in terms of vibrancy. If you’re like me and like to capture your caffeine ventures online, Culture also ranks high in terms of Instagram-worthiness with its funky interior and use of quirky mugs. In addition to plain jane lattes, Culture advertises a variety of more complex lavender drinks like a blackberry lavender white mocha, a lavender fog (lavender + london fog), and even cocktails infused with the flavoring. Range? Culture Cafe has that.
Tipsy Beans
Readers looking for the most traditional lavender latte and brunch combo are best suited for Tipsy Beans Cafe. Despite its location on High Street, Tipsy Beans is worth a hike if you can make it out there. Also recently opened, Tipsy Beans strikes a balance between “maybe I should enjoy a moderately healthy meal” and “I’m going full-on suburban brunch mom.” The lavender lattes at Tipsy Beans are candy-level sweet. I know some people prefer their lattes to be largely milk and flavored sweeteners with a splash of espresso. If this sounds like you, full steam ahead, sailor (pun not intended)! Since Tipsy Beans is a full-service restaurant, you easily balance the sugar content of their drinks with a quick bite of some avocado toast or breakfast potatoes.
London Company Coffee & Tea
Let’s face it. W&M students are busy human beings, always multitasking wherever possible. Enter: London Company Coffee and Tea! Loaded schedule? Not to worry: this quaint cafe around the corner from Food Lion is the perfect place to crank out a paper and enjoy a lavender latte. If you’re in even more of a rush, London Company offers both counter service and a drive-thru for caffeine fixes on the run. The coffee shop typically isn’t bustling enough to distract you from your work but not quiet enough to act as a red flag. London Company prides itself in serving locally-sourced lavender in a tasty way to support Williamsburg businesses. Additionally, the shop gives a special W&M discount with your student ID and offers rewards if you’re there regularly.
