Editor-in-Chief, Staff Writer
Lucas is a sophomore from Fairfax, Virginia (so NOVA) but originally from Illinois, majoring in International Relations. He maintains a strong passion for history, politics, football (Go Bears!), and Seinfeld, which will certainly be referenced in his presence, whether you get it or not (not that there’s anything wrong with that). He tries to channel both his optimism and sarcasm, which seems oxymoronic and almost certainly is, but that doesn’t seem to deter him. His knowledge of geography, specifically about the American Interstate Highway System, is unusual, obsolete, and uninteresting. Don’t bring it up.

Deputy Editor, Staff Writer
Cecelia is a junior at the College of William & Mary originally from Charlotte, North Carolina. She's double majoring in Anthropology and History. Outside of Ramble On, Cecelia is on exec for Shakespeare in the Dark and Vox on campus.
Staff Writer
Casey is a junior at the College of William & Mary.
Staff Writer
Jasmine is a senior at the College. Much to her chagrin, she is not a geology major as the first three letters of her last name may imply (imagine how cool that would be). She, instead, is a double-major studying Sociology and American Studies. Aside from being a student, Jasmine also serves on the executive board for WMTV and The Collective (W&M’s Sociology Journal), acts as an Indie/Alternative genre director for WCWM, and moonlights as a town mayor in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Her favorite William & Mary alumnus is Jon Stewart, whom she was in the same vicinity of twice on Capitol Hill, but tragically, their paths never crossed. Jasmine also keeps an active Twitter account @jascgeo, producing both her stream of consciousness and pro-Harry Styles content.

Staff Writer
Peter Rizzo is a sophomore who, shockingly, comes from Nova. Since he didn’t take enough APs in high schools, he’s yet to declare a major, but plans on majoring in English. He writes for the Botetourt Squat as well, but wanted to be a part of a publication where he could have his name attached to his work. He’s also a new member of IT; the comedy group, not informational technologies. He’s not that smart. He is, though, in Photo Club and a freelance photographer who’s available for both events and portraits. Peter spends most of his time listening to classic rock, watching YouTube videos he’s already seen, and saying he’ll watch that show you like even though he’s already forgotten the name of it. Anyway read his stuff, it’s good. In my completely biased opinion.

Staff Writer
Lace Grant is a freshman from Montclair, Virginia, a small neighborhood in (gasp!) NOVA that understandably nobody knows nor cares about, because it’s in Prince William County. They’re majoring in International Relations, and they’re hoping to be a smart guy and learn two languages while here. When they aren’t swearing into their laptop or textbooks, you can find Lace swearing instead at a video game or television show-- how diverse! They also enjoy dressing up as fictional characters in the confines of their dorm and listening to alarming amounts of MARINA and Mitski. If you want to read them ramble on (haha!), check out the link below!
Staff Writer
Matthew is a sophomore at the College of William & Mary, majoring in international relations.

Staff Writer
Karl is a senior majoring in Sociology. At WMTV he serves as a morale booster who doesn’t actually have a job or any official duties but still shows up to the function with an optimistic spunk ready to play around with any and every square of acoustic paneling he can find. He also plays the lovable idiot spy Morgan Vaughn on WMTV’s own sitcom The Unofficial Board of Visitors. This year he hopes to start up his own Try Guys-esque show called Campus Culture. Outside of the station, he continues to overload his schedule with stressful jobs such as being the President of his dorm’s Community Council and being the Vice President of RHA. He has absolutely no free time for anything, but will still immediately say yes to anything you throw his way.
Staff Writer
Eva-Mariam Ssekibenga is a senior at the College of William and Mary, and is double majoring in History and Film and Media Studies.

An Inspiration
Glenn Close graduated in 1974 from the College of William & Mary, majoring in anthropology and theatre. She is one of the only cool William & Mary alumni we have and we appreciate her for raising the value of our tuition. Close is known for her cameo in Hook as a bearded pirate, her brief role in Guardians of the Galaxy, and other things.

Editor-in-Chief, Designer, Staff Writer
Nora is an alumni at the college, majoring in Government. She was the assistant station manager of WMTV and a research assistant at the Social Networks and Political Psychology lab. She spends her free time thinking about what she should do with her free time. Nora is passionate about socks, the West Wing, and informing people from Virginia that New York is NOT part of New England. She once took a Buzzfeed quiz that told her the Harry Potter character she is most similar to is Neville Longbottom, and she really hopes they meant Neville at the end of the series, not the beginning.

Editor-in-Chief, Designer,
Web Manager, Staff Writer
Marriya Schwarz is an alum of William & Mary, majoring in American Studies and minoring in Creative Writing. She uses humor as a coping mechanism to cover up her true insecurities. Her writing has been featured in Slate Magazine, Women’s eNews, and The Blue Marble Review with writing forthcoming in Slackjaw. In her free time, she transcribes 18th century handwriting, writes scripts and functions as a web series producer of WMTV's The C Word. Don't worry; she is currently in therapy. UPDATE: She has not written King Lear in quarantine yet, but she's getting there.

Deputy Editor, Staff Writer, Designer
Maggie Aschmeyer is an alum from Atlanta, GA double majoring in English and Music. She knows that these are probably considered by some to be two of the most useless majors you could spend tens of thousands of dollars on, but she doesn’t care. She served on the board for two other campus journals, Winged Nation and The William and Mary Review, and she participated on the AMP Films Committee, sang in the Barksdale Treble Chorus, and occasionally dragged herself out of bed to go play ultimate frisbee. She loves Harry Potter, Marvel movies, and Sherlock Holmes, and she has TED talks on each of these subjects that can be recited on a moment’s notice should the occasion arise. Note: it never does.

Columnist, Photographer, Staff Writer
Brooke Rees is an alumfrom a super small town in Pennsylvania - no, not Scranton. For some reason, people often get her name wrong, calling her Brittany, Bridget, Drew, or Brick so far. Brooke was a double major in psychology and film and media studies. She does a lot of extra curricular activities, mostly to fill that void that other people satisfy with love and friendship. She was a part of WMTV, the AMP Live committee, and she was the co-Director of an organization called Greater City. Brooke spends the rest of her time by masterfully procrastinating, watching all the Netflix, and occasionally photographing people's faces.

Staff Writer
Hunter Hall is an alum of William & Mary, twenty-one years old, and five foot seven depending on who’s asking. In addition to being the 2019-2020 station manager of WMTV, he was also active in the comedy community as a member of Dad Jeans Improv. Majoring in English and Minoring in linguistics, Hunter also writes features for William and Mary’s eLearning Initiatives and, miraculously, gets paid for it. One time he interviewed to write features for Rocket Magazine and got rejected but he does NOT harbor any resentment. Hunter has a passion for music, social justice, and wine (as he writes this bio he is drinking a very fruity Cupcake Sauvignon Blanc). Please don’t talk to Hunter in public.

A Person We Like, Alumni Contributor
Silvana Smith no longer goes to this school, but yet, here she is. An ex-AMP Film committee member; now she is just a personified Alma Mater Production. She likes emo music, the genre neutral band Paramore, and long road trips down 95. She currently has red hair but has lilac ambitions. She is a co-creator of The Unofficial Board of Visitors, now streaming on Youtube. (That isn’t an announcement. It has always been streaming on Youtube). Silvana is an up-and-coming podcast listener, was raised on 30 Rock and Community, and still has a tumblr. She is a gemini, type 9, and a code white personality.