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Help! I’ve Fallen (For You) And I Can’t Get Up! - A Playlist to Cure a Case of The Yearns™


By Jasmine Geonzon | Staff Writer

In case you haven’t heard (or aren’t on Tik Tok), the late 1990s and early 2000s are back! Whether you’re switching your hair part back from the side to the middle or once again putting your blind allegiance behind our lord and savior Britney Spears, “new” Gen Z trends only remind us of just how cyclical history is.

As February remains the month of pining for others and heart-shaped candy, this playlist is for anyone feeling especially head-over-heels this Valentine’s season. Please enjoy this collection of saccharine, nostalgia-soaked bops to make you feel like the 2000s rom-com main character of your dreams!



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