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songs for the emo(tional) post grad - a modern emo mixtape


By Silvana Smith | Staff Writer

Welcome to Silvana’s mixtape for the emo(tional) post grad. Here you will find the cathartic release for all your pent up emotions and anxieties about your upcoming graduation and the forthcoming rest of your life. As a real life post grad myself, having graduated a semester early, I have (semi)infinite wisdom on what to expect come May 12th and wish to express all those thoughts by diving into 15 of my favorite songs.

If you wish, feel free to skip ahead to a curated set of some of my favorite tunes that I feel effectively capture this unique time in your life and maybe help you embrace your inner emo kid. Alternatively, here are some disclaimers.

Now, I have labeled this playlist emo, not so much out of genre, but lyrical content. Here you’ll probably find some pop punk, alt pop, alt rock, post hardcore, whatever, but I use ‘emo’ as more of a loose cultural term than anything else. If you’d like a more deep dive into the history of the genre and where the movement began, this video (l does a great job.

As an overarching (but not too consistent) trend, this playlist starts with heavier songs and gets lighter and more poppy, and if I’m being real with you by the end it’s not all that emo (honestly the last song is on the ukulele) but I encourage you to embrace them all in the spirit of being emotional over graduating and leaving the past four years behind.

My Last Semester // The Wonder Years

To start off strong, here’s a song about dropping out of college (which we’ve all fantasized about) and being sick of the same old college scene. And with such an apt song title and band name, this was a must for my post grad playlist.

2009 // The Swellers

Yes, this was written over ten years ago, and yes I feel old. Although written about new years eve, I feel like the fresh start slash reflective sentiments of this song still fit the post grad vibes. For better or worse, whether it was a bad four years, or the best you’ve ever had, it’s healthy to feel nostalgic for the past and mourn the memories. Additionally, lyrics like “I’ll never feel the same again, but I wouldn’t rewrite anything” successfully blend nostalgia with its underlying tone of fuck you.

Your New Aesthetic // Jimmy Eat World

The perfect song for anyone stressed about having to conform to that traditional 9 to 5 corporate lifestyle post graduation. Say goodbye to wearing pajamas to class and say hello to business casual watering down your personal expression; you’re just another cog in the machine. Sure this song probably a commentary about the mainstream music industry or ‘society,’ but its grungy vibes really fits any occasion so long as you’re a rebel at heart.

Be Here Now // Basement

With the big day looming closer and closer, it’s important to try and enjoy college while you’re still here. It can be hard when finals are stressful, you’re sleep deprived, you have five essays and four tests and hell maybe you won’t even graduate, but it’s important to try and do things you can only do in college while you still have the chance. Visit all your favorite spots on campus, get coffee with all your friends, live it up man.

Mama // My Chemical Romance

“Mama, stop asking me questions, we’re all going to die”. A little light hearted bop for any fans of the emo trinity, or anyone who’s feeling really existential about graduation. Or if you’re just sick of answering the question: what do you want to do with the rest of your life?

Mother Mother // The Veronicas

This cover by the australian twin duo follows a daughter’s phone call with her mother updating her on how she’s making it out in the world, featuring some A plus lyrics such as “I'm hungry, I'm dirty, I'm losing my mind, Everything's fine!”

$5 Subtweet // Pool Kids

This song is an ode to any friend drama, roommate from hell, or ex-partner you will get to say goodbye to once you graduate and become a ‘real human with healthy communication skills’ tm. Lines like “I think we should all try to grow the fuck up” will definitely resonate with anyone excited to move past this stage of their life and meet new people (and maybe try to change a little themselves).

Gum // Mooseblood

“Do you wanna come over later, to my house? Listen to your favourite songs.” I chose this song because the number one thing I miss about college is living so close to some of my best friends. I miss the days of just walking over to a friend’s dorm just to mess around and talk until late. I listened to this song a lot during my last semester and the british band uses some killer guitar riffs. Also I got a little kick outta including a song about listening to your favorite songs on a playlist about some of my favorite songs. Bonus: this song features some hardcore emo boy style vocals as seen on twitter ( )

Secrets // State Champs

A good song to listen to when you’re feeling kinda sick of your surroundings; like leaving this place behind or maybe burning a few bridges. Honestly it’s kinda a stretch it include it in a post- grad playlist but it’s one of my favorites from the 2015 emo renaissance so enjoy.

Fences // Paramore

I hope you liked your major,“you can't turn back because this road is all you'll ever have.” It might feel like everyone in your life is waiting to see if you fail or succeed in your field of choice. Waiting to see if you’ll get a job you like or spend the next five years making coffee (me). The pressure to find success s post-grad can feel like a lot, and the angst that oozes out of this song might help you deal with the inevitable expectations. Fun fact: Hayley Williams wrote this song when she was studying for the SAT’s.

Archers // With Confidence

A nice pop punk song for anyone who’s post grad plans are a little less conventional or maybe college wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Maybe you’re just sick of finals and the whole idea of academia in general. Either way, you’re rather ready to get out of there.

Fingerprints // Katy Perry

Despite appearances, this is an emo song if I’ve ever heard one. As an emo kid who grew up into an emo adult, it always makes me smile when I look back to 2008 when everyone else was going through their emo phase. Turns out Katy Perry went through hers that summer when she took her debut album ‘One of the Boys’ on Warped Tour ‘08. Although the album gave us more than a few huge pop hits, the guitar riffs and power vocals definitely showcase some punky influences in her old sound. The song delves into the pressures of leaving some sort of legacy behind and living up to expectations, which will strike a cord with anyone who’s ever been asked what their plans are after graduating too many times. Bonus: lyrics like “Cause seven, seventy-five isn't worth and hour of my hard work and time” will definitely resonate with anyone, like myself, who worked all the way through college. Honorary mentions of celebrities who had an emo phase: demi lovato, angelina jolie,

Hello Cold World // Paramore

“Twenty two was like the worst idea that I have ever had.” In honor of finally facing what every other adult has referred to as “the real world,” I give you a song about being twenty two that isn’t so shiny and bubbly as its taylor swift counterpart. This deep cut comes from a 2011 ep that was born out of an ever turbulent time is Paramore’s history post-split where a lot was up in the air. Similarly, whoever you are being twenty two usually comes with a few bumps in the road and it’s usually a time in your life when almost everything is undecided and up in the air. Still, this song is a nice reminder that “it’s not the way you plan it, it’s how you make it happen.”

Away We Go // Bad Suns

This is probably the best song on this playlist to dance to and it’s all about looking towards that future. Listening to this song makes me feel that same manic, excited feeling you get when you realize that you’re whole life is ahead of you and its yours to do whatever the hell you want with it. After you graduate, you are finally free. Move across the country. Take that trip to Europe. Get that tattoo. Be young and reckless. Maybe you’ve got no sense of direction, but you’re optimistic. Who knows, tomorrow might be better.

Interlude: Holiday // Paramore

When choosing the last song to round out this list I thought; why not end on an interlude? As we enter this weird interlude between our college life and our new adult life (you’re welcome for that segway), it is important to remember to take a holiday. You’ve worked hard these past four years and God knows you need a break. Whether it’s taking a fancy vacation, getting drunk, or just finally getting to read all those books you haven’t had the time for, take a holiday: you’ve earned it.

Lastly, everyone who knows me personally would groan if I included the song stressed out by twenty one pilots. So I didn’t. You’re welcome. I already cut it down to only include three paramore songs so be grateful. BUT because I’m weak and also there is a page limit, please check out our full playlist, including some additional honorable mentions, on spotify. (

Honorable mentions: Grow up by Paramore, Weightless by All Time Low, 20 Something by SZA, The Calendar by Panic at the Disco, Parachute by Neck Deep, Someday by The Strokes, Fairly Local by twenty one pilots, Lane Boy by twenty one pilots. Fob - something from folie. House of Memories by Panic at the Disco, Golden Days by Panic at the Disco, Homebody by Microwave, Keeping up by Microwave, Renegade by Paramore, Escape Route by Paramore, Pressure by Paramore, Grass Stains by Microwave, my strange addiction by billie eilish, burnt out by dodie. Lose it by swmrs


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