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A March Isolation Timeline (Starting at Spring Break and Loosely Based on Reality for Legal Reasons)


By Marriya Schwarz | Editor-in-Chief

Day 1: March 6

WOO! Spring Break! Probably wasn’t the smartest idea to buy a whole pint of Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food before I left, but I’ll get it when I come back. Goodbye, dorm freezer and hello, world!

Day 2: March 7

Everything is great! Did so much laundry!! Saw family!! I’ve been READING – and books this time! Every morning, I wake up bright and early, ready to open the blinds and stare out over the world. Nature is a gift, and don’t stop believing!

Day 3: March 8

The world is dying.

Day 4: March 9

Are people counting with Mississippi’s when they wash their hands or without?

Day 5: March 10

Is THIS March Madness?

Day 6: March 11

Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food, do you think about me as often as I think about you?

Day 7: March 12

You know what? This is going to be great! I’m going to be disciplined and challenge myself to write every single day!

Day 8: March 13

Wrote King Lear.

Day 9: March 14

Wrote King Lear again, but this time, the title character is played by John Mulaney who keeps taking mock offense when people say he looks too young to be on his deathbed.

Day 10: March 15

Wrote King Lear again. It’s interpretive – you wouldn’t get it.

Day 11: March 16

Everyone deserves a break from writing.

Day 12: March 17

I’m not sure what comes after “R” in the alphabet. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book or written a sentence. It’s a bad time to be Irish. Everyone’s trying to kiss you.

Day 13: March 18

Thumb wrestling is apparently out of the question.

Day 14: March 19

Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food, you’re old enough to chart your own course. You’re going to have to continue the race without me.

Day 15: March 20

My legs have accepted these sweatpants as a second skin.

Day 16: March 21

It’s only been 16 days, but I have finally adapted to the Alaskan time zone. It’s a shame I live in Virginia.

Day 17: March 22

I’m so bored and I could clean my room, but I’m not that bored.

Day 18: March 23

First day of online class! New burst of energy! Getting started is the hardest part, and then it is smooth sailing!

Day 19: March 24

I have ranked each juice from a scale of ‘too much juice’ to ‘too little juice’. Winning as ‘too much’ is orange juice with ‘too little’ is cucumber water, which I’m starting to think is a fruit because of the seeds. Right in the center is guava, which less people have experience with, and that makes people scared. I have not begun to write my paper. It is not on juice.

Day 20: March 25

Ignore me yesterday. I think I have a calcium deficiency. Went on a walk today! Saw a species called ‘squirrel.’ It was furry with a fluffy tail and wings. Admittedly, I did not get a good look, but I am hoping for a repeat encounter tomorrow.

Day 21: March 26

Why are we not asking Santa’s Workshop to make face masks and ventilators? It’s their off season – someone write him a letter!

Day 22: March 27

I never see my parents anymore.

Day 23: March 28

Correction: I typed that wrong yesterday. I “ONLY” see my parents anymore. Whoops.

Day 24: March 29

There has never been another month beside this month.

Day 25: March 30

Revised King Lear. Hamlet dies now.

Day 26: March 31

I have made a Sim of myself. She keeps trying to leave her bed. She doesn’t get me. She lives there now. Also, her house is on fire.


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